Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happy Pi Day

Happy Pi Day!
I hope everyone has been having a very great day and I hope yall had a great week.
I have had an awesome week. This week I have gotten to meet some really awesome people and I have gotten to know people better.
I got to touch a squirrel this week, that was pretty cool.
Also, this week I have had some really spiritual experiences. I will only share some of them but this week has honestly been great. I want to share about Christian, Ann, and the Dean family.
I was teaching a 24 year old named Christian and he is a very smart young man. He knows so much about everything and is very understanding of everything we teach him. He doesn't know if what we are teaching him is true but he understands it all. He is very fun to teach because he has a lot of very knowledgeable questions. We got to teach him about the plan of salvation and he absorbs all of the information. It is really nice to teach him because we can teach him at a very fast pace.
Another person we taught this week was Ann. She is a member and she was at church and in the gospel principles class we were learning about prophets. She had many questions and we could not cover every question she had. We went to her house after church and tried to teach her in a way that she would understand. We werent sure exactly what we would say so we said a prayer and I knew that I needed to try to teach her the way Jesus often taught, using stories. I told multiple stories and parables to answer her different questions. It made me feel so good when she said "OH! See how simple that is? Why couldn't the gospel principles teacher just say that?" It was amazing and made me so happy that she was understanding more of the gospel.
We also taught the Dean family this week. We tracted into a man and taught him the restoration. Then we came back and taught the family the restoration. This setting was different because it was a mom and 3 kids ranging from like 18 to 9. We couldn't really focus our teachings on one age group because there were so many different ages so we taught the Restoration story and bore our testimony of the experience Joseph Smith had. It was the coolest thing because we couldn't talk to each person individually but the Spirit could. The Spirit was so strong in that home.
I feel like I have learned so much this week. I have learned that we need to know our stuff, we need to study because we will have people like Christian who have really hard good questions and we need to know scripture references. We need to use our personal study time to find out answers to hard questions. Go to the scriptures with questions.
I learned from Ann that we need to listen to the Spirit when we are teaching. We dont always know how a person learns, but the Spirit knows. We need to try to teach in ways people will learn.
And from the Dean family I learned that if we invite the Spirit into lessons that He will be the teacher. And that the Spirit can touch anyone's heart. It has been a good week. I know the church is true. I am so thankful that I can continue to read and pray and learn and teach. I love yall so much.

Sister Anderson

March 14

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